Brand Management
To provide a thorough overview of the field of “Strategic Brand Management” from a business standpoint. The fundamental concepts will be systematically presented in class sessions and related to real-life business situations. Numerous examples and caselets will be used to highlight the most relevant topics and issues.
The primary mode of teaching will be lecture modules along with discussions and group case presentations. Many examples and cases will also be discussed in class. A significant component of the learning experience, in a course of this type, is constructive & reasoned class discussion. With this in mind, all students are encouraged to actively and judiciously participate in all class discussions.
To provide a thorough overview of the field of “Strategic Brand Management” from a business standpoint. The fundamental concepts will be systematically presented in class sessions and related to real-life business situations. Numerous examples and caselets will be used to highlight the most relevant topics and issues.
The primary mode of teaching will be lecture modules along with discussions and group case presentations. Many examples and cases will also be discussed in class. A significant component of the learning experience, in a course of this type, is constructive & reasoned class discussion. With this in mind, all students are encouraged to actively and judiciously participate in all class discussions.
- Topics Covered
- Brands and Brand Management
What is a Brand?
Can Everything Be Branded?
Branding Challenges & Opportunities
The Brand Equity Concept
Strategic Brand Management Process - Customer-Based Brand Equity
Making a Brand Strong
Sources of Brand Equity
The 4 Steps of Strong Brand Building
Creating Customer Value - Brand Positioning
Establishing Brand Positioning
Positioning Guidelines
Internal Branding
Brand Audits - Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity
Criteria for Choosing Brand Elements
Options & Tactics for Brand Elements - Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity
The New Media Environment
Marketing Communication Options
Developing IMC Programs
Case 2: MTV: Building Brand
Resonance - Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity
Country of Origin Effects
Channels of Distribution
Celebrity Endorsement - Developing a Brand Equity Measurement & Management System
The Brand Value Chain
Designing Brand Tracking Studies
Brand Equity Management System - Measuring Sources of Brand Equity
Qualitative Research Techniques
Quantitative Research Techniques
Models of Consumer-Based Brand
Equity - Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity
Comparative Methods
Holistic Methods - Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies
Brand Architecture
Brand Hierarchy
Designing a Branding Strategy - Introducing and Naming New Products and Brand Extensions
Advantages of Brand Extensions
Disadvantages of Brand Extensions
Consumer Evaluation of Brand